Bench April 10, 2015

bench, ring between index and middle finger: 45×5, 95×2, 135×1, 185×1, 225×1, 275×5,5,6

These felt okay, but just okay. The only thing I don’t like about a competition bench is that I can’t get far enough underneath the bar to comfortably give myself lift-offs. For every other purpose a competition bench is awesome, and the bench position is great when your giving lift-offs it’s just not my cup of tea for doing it myself.

pushup: bw x 15,15,15 superset with

ring invert rows: bw x 15, 15, 10

reverse hyper: 2 plates x 10

ARSD: plate + 25 2 trips, altrernating sides on each length. I also wore my funny Rockport walking shoes for these which makes it feel different than when I wear my other minimalist shoes.

sled face pulls, rows and presses


Bench April 10, 2015